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Please note DSV is not an official partner or supporter of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. these pages is to inform you about the impacts of situation and solutions that DSV is putting in place for you.

This summer, Paris is hosting the Olympic Games 2024, it's an honour for our country to receive athletes and visitors from all over the world.

In this context, it is essential for our country to coordinate all the events and maintain the fluidity of national operations. At our level, DSV in France will be in charge of keeping supply chains up and running by reducing traffic disruption caused by the Olympic Games as much as possible.

Dates of the Olympic Games

Olympic Games Paris 2024

Paralympic Games Paris 2024

From July 27th to August 12th

From August 29th to September 9th

This fast-moving situation will require us to inform you frequently. This is the reason why we are proposing you to access to all the operational points related to this exceptional situation.

What are the official websites for organizing the Games?

Visit the official sites related to transportation during the Olympic Games and discover the safety perimeter through entertainment maps and all departmental information near the competition sites.

Available in french Version only:

DSV Road - Last update : 20th june

Impact on your road transport

Operational status following the organisation of the Olympic Games in Paris

operational status DSV Road OG

From mid-April to the end of October, various stages such as the installation of infrastructure on the Olympic sites, the conduct of sports events, the movement of athletes and visitors, the dismantling and release of traffic axes will form a long period of disruption. During this time, the summer will be dense and traffic-intensive. We are therefore reorganizing our activities in order to better alleviate all the restrictions and we offer you the operational status below, which we will keep regularly updated.

How is the transportation of dangerous goods by road managed during the Olympic Games?

The transport of dangerous goods during the Games will be very restrictive.


Blue Perimeter



hazardous goods




hazardous goods
of first necessity to be delivered or removed
without urgency


Yes (depending on specific niches and on presentation of the Games Pass)

- Identity card
- Employer justification
- Proof of place of delivery

hazardous goods
of first necessity to be
delivered or removed
without urgency

Yes Yes -

The urgency is therefore crucial. The transport of dangerous goods of basic necessity will therefore be tolerated in accordance with the above-mentioned traffic rules.

What are the consequences of organizing the races on the roads of France and close to the sites where DSV is located?


From 24th July to 2th August 2024
All the information of the Ministry regarding the Bordeaux games


From 27th July to 11th August 2024
All the information of the Ministry regarding the Lille games


From 24th July to 9th August 2024
All the information of the Ministry regarding the Lyon games


From 24th July to 8th August 2024
All the information of the Ministry regarding the Marseille games


From 24th July to 8th August 2024
All the information of the Ministry regarding the Nantes games


From 24th to 31th July 2024
All the information of the Ministry regarding the Nice games

DSV Air and Sea - Last update : 20th june

The impact on your air and sea freight

Operational status following the organisation of the Olympic Games in Paris

operational status DSV Air and Sea OG

On the occasion of the Olympic Games, 185 km of roads will be reserved for vehicles accredited from the activation of the lanes on 15 July 2024 and will possibly affect air and maritime transport processed by DSV.

Which roads will be most affected in the outskirts of Paris on the occasion of the Games?

  • A1 between Roissy Charles de Gaulle and Porte de la Chapelle until 11 September
  • A4 between Collégien and the door of Bercy until 13 August and from 30 August to 8 September
  • A12 between Rocquencourt and Montigny le Bretonneux until 13 August and from 27 August to 8 September
  • A13 between Maillot Gate and Rocquencourt until 13 August and from 27 August to 8 September
  • The peripheral boulevard, from the Vanves Gate to the Bercy Gate, passing north until 13 August and from 22 August to 11 September.
  • The circular boulevard (La Défense) until 13 August and from 22 August to 11 September

At Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle airport, airport organizations and the department plan different periods of Peak Days where the activity and the influx of people in this area will be:

  • From 17 to 25/07
  • From 31/07 to 04/08
  • From 09 to 14/08
  • From 22 to 27/08
  • From 5 to 09/09

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