Panalpina’s sustainability performance in 2018 sets new records
Panalpina achieved its best year ever in terms of employee health and safety and received top ratings for its environmental and corporate social responsibility programs. The 2018 Sustainability Report demonstrates Panalpina’s strong commitment to sustainability, the health and safety of its people and the prosperity of the communities where it operates.
Panalpina achieved its best year ever in terms of employee health and safety and received top ratings for its environmental and corporate social responsibility programs. The 2018 Sustainability Report demonstrates Panalpina’s strong commitment to sustainability, the health and safety of its people and the prosperity of the communities where it operates.
Year after year, Panalpina’s quality, health, safety and environment (QHSE) team has demonstrated the hard work and dedication needed to deliver high-quality service to its customers, while building a culture of quality, safety, sustainability and caring. 2018 was one of the most successful years ever, with a 72 percent reduction in injuries to staff since 2013 and a wide range of activities dedicated to improving local communities.
Lindsay Zingg, Panalpina’s global head of QHSE, says, “Our QHSE team has built the systems, programs, and most importantly, the culture of continuous improvement that we must have to deliver the best services to our customers.”
The company was awarded an A- by the Carbon Disclosure Project for its 2018 climate change response and a Gold rating from EcoVadis for its corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance. Panalpina is also a member of the Clean Cargo Working Group to support sustainability in cargo shipping and participated in the development of the EcoTransIt World, a customer CO2 emission calculation tool.
A special highlight of the year was the Global Sustainability Week in October, when employees from 60 countries took part in over 400 activities to improve their communities and help deserving people. Panalpina also continued the tradition of Global Health and Safety Week to improve employee awareness and engagement with safety.
Stefan Karlen, Panalpina’s president and CEO, says, “We are very proud of who we are as a company. Over the past few years, we have worked hard to operationalize our strategy, improve our processes, reduce our impacts, live our values, and achieve the Panalpina Spirit.”
Follow this link to download Panalpina’s Corporate Sustainability Report 2018.