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The information you need at your fingertips 

DSV Self Service Tools are easy to use, integrate and access via internet. With our e-services you save time and can work more efficiently.

With DSV XPress you get:

  • Easy access to booking via myDSV online booking portal
  • Easy access to tracking your shipments online via myDSV Track & Trace
  • Automatic alerts when a shipment is delayed
  • Access to reports of your shipments with DSV XPress

Our online services are flexible and can be tailored to your requirements. We have the right solution for all your needs.

Book your DSV XPress shipment


Find the correct packaging so your shipment arrives in the best condition

Any questions?

Our experts are ready to help. Get in touch and we'll find the solution you need.

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+41 (44) 829 40 00

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