DSV’s Global Customer Success Programme has been running since 2014 and is designed to give us a better understanding of our customers and if they are happy with the service, they receive from DSV.
Our global values are all about putting our customers first, performing at our best, and having a true and honest collaboration. Therefore, it is important for us to know if you are satisfied with our capabilities to solve your logistic and transportation needs.
You will receive an e-mail invitation to take part in the programme twice a year. We highly appreciate your response and you can be assured that DSV acts on all customer feedback, at board level if necessary. We combine survey results with information obtained in our day-to-day dialogue with you and find solutions to make your experience with DSV as good as possible. We both address challenges and ideas for improvement on a local and global level.
Mapping how customers experience our services is a natural part of the way DSV operates. It helps us identify our strengths as well as areas for improvement. For DSV, improvement is perhaps the most important aspect of the programme.
- Hanne Østerskov, DSV Customer Experience Manager
How can you as a customer contribute?
You will receive an e-mail invitation to participate in our Customer Success Programme twice a year. The invitation contains a short survey which, with the help of specific questions, measures your satisfaction. Your answers, as well as our daily dialogue, will form the basis for us to find the solutions that improve your experience with DSV.
We would really appreciate you finding the time to complete the survey which would take approximately two minutes.
What does DSV do with the feedback?
We greatly appreciate your response, and we always do a personal follow up and process all feedback from you on an ongoing basis, which will actively be used as part of the basis for a joint assessment of our business relationship. In other words, you can be sure that we take your feedback very seriously and, if necessary, it will be evaluated at board level. Based on your feedback, we will take the necessary measurements and we will keep you informed and up-to-date.
What you need to know
We respect your time - our surveys can be completed in less than two minutes.
We combine survey results with information obtained in our day-to-day dialogue with you.
We act on your feedback, at board level if necessary.
We follow up so we are sure you are satisfied.
We would like your feedback twice a year.
Learn more about our Customer Success Programme
Contact your local DSV representative for more information or send us an e-mail and we will direct your enquiry: support@csp.dsv.com
Thank you for helping us get better!
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