This update offers you a bit more in-depth content than usual, perfect for a summer read during your break. We take a closer look at the results of the European Parliament election and the challenges hauliers face with inflation and driver shortages, impacting prices and capacity. Additionally, we have launched the first two videos of a new video series, where our team of sustainability experts at DSV, help you understand and navigate the impacts of environmental regulations in your supply chain.
General economic development: Euro area
- Annual inflation rate in the Euro area eased to 2.5% in June 2024 after briefly accelerating to 2.6% in May.
- The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 0.2% in June, maintaining the same pace as in May.
- Prices rose at a slower pace for food, alcohol, and tobacco (2.5% vs 2.6%) and energy (0.2% vs 0.3%), while inflation remained steady for non-energy industrial goods (0.7%) and services (4.1%).
- Among the largest economies, inflation decreased in Germany (2.5% vs 2.8%), France (2.5% vs 2.6%), Spain (3.5% vs 3.8%), and Ireland (1.5% vs 2%), but rose in Italy (0.9% vs 0.8%) and the Netherlands (3.4% vs 2.7%). The varied inflation trends among the largest economies highlight the uneven nature of the economic recovery and inflation dynamics across Europe.
- The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) In the Euro Area was worth 15544.86 billion US dollars in 2023, according to official data from the World Bank. The GDP value of Euro Area represents 6.64 percent of the world economy.
Source: World Bank, Eurostat
Transport capacity and fuel prices
Capacity Index vs Diesel Price
Second quarter of 2024 Capacity dropped to 93,4 and Diesel price decreased a little to €1.637,19. -
The European road freight capacity index
decreased for the fifth month in a row, falling by -7.0% year-on-year in May 2024. -
The spot rate index
In May 2024, the spot price index increased by 6.8% from April 2024 to 134.47, representing an 12.5% year-over-year increase. Contract price index increased by 3.1% from the prior year and by 0.3% from the previous month to 125.42 in May 2024.
Pressure on road transport capacity
In my almost 20 years in the industry, we have had to deal with driver shortages, but the current geopolitical situation has made it even more difficult.
by Kim Brandt, Vice president, Haulier procurement at DSV.
The industry's ability to adapt to market demand and maintain efficient response times is affected by the continual driver shortages. Additionally, because drivers are often recruited from abroad, the recruitment process is longer and involves administration beyond the industry's control. This challenge has been further intensified by the situation in Ukraine, where recent legislative initiatives aim to increase the number of soldiers in the army.
Together, these factors contribute to an uncertain capacity outlook for the months ahead of us, presenting significant challenges across the industry.
At DSV, we navigate these challenges by proactively adapting to shifts in the industry landscape. Our priority is providing continuous support to hauliers while ensuring uninterrupted service delivery for our customers.
Source: apnews
Sustainability: External market updates
US update
New fuel standards for HDVs
The US Environmental Protection Agency has published their final Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles, ending a string of tightening regulation aiming to decarbonize road freight transport. The rules forces manufacturers to gradually increase efficiency and decrease the emissions from the use of their vehicles from 2027 to 2032. The standards are technology neutral, and it is therefore up to the individual manufacturer to chose how and which technologies to use. The new rules will both increase the uptake of zero-emission trucks, while also ensuring a decrease in emissions from future standard diesel trucks.
More info:
Zero-emission freight corridors
The Biden-Harris Administration has unveiled a strategy to accelerate the deployment of a zero-emission freight network by 2040. The freight industry will need expansive and convenient access to electric vehicle charging and hydrogen refueling to achieve U.S. goals of promoting at least 30% ZE-MHDV sales by 2030 and 100% sales by 2040.
More info:
Increased tariffs on Chinese EVs: The EU and US are increasing tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) to counteract Chinese subsidies and to protect domestic industries. Since most EVs or their parts are produced in China, this could raise BEV prices and disrupt the Chinese producer's current market share.
More info:,
German MAUT
1st Jul 2024: Starting 1 July 2024, vehicles with a maximum laden mass over 3.5 tonnes will require a toll if they are used for road haulage.
More info:
Note: Road taxes of similar imposed by governments impacts the total transportation cost, beyond the control of DSV.
EP Election: Impact of Right-Wing gains on decarbonising road transport
By Jesper Kronborg, Vice President of Transport, Danish Chamber of Commerce.
The votes have been cast and the results are in. For the next five years the European Parliament will have a more strengthened right wing of groups, but “the big three” (EPP, S&D and Renew Europe) still hold more than 50 percent of the seats. This could mean a change in the dynamics, but not a dismantling of previous legislation altogether.
The run-up to this year´s European Parliament elections has been all about the potential right swing of the European Parliament leaving the two right wing groups, ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists) and ID (Identity and Democracy) with the majority of the seats. This scenario would have had a huge impact on European politics and on the green transition.
Now that the results are in, it is looking a bit more like business as usual. The three big groups consisting of conservatives, social democrats and socialists and liberals, went from 417 seats out of the 705 in 2019, to 399 out of 720. The majority shrank a bit from 59 percent to a little more than 55 percent.
Even though the right doesn´t hold a majority in the European Parliament they still have a momentum. Especially in some of the big and decisive member states like France, Germany and Italy. This means that we will most likely see a European Parliament that takes its foot off the pedal a little bit in the coming mandate compared to the last one thereby trying to bridge the gap and compromise with the right-wing groups, to not lose voters.
The legislative proposals that are currently in process through the legislative system as well as new legislative proposals from the Commission will not de-facto be up and running until both the Commission and the European Parliament are at full speed again in the beginning of 2025.
However, legislative proposals that have been passed already, such as the Green Deal and the initiatives under Fit for 55, have now entered into an implementation phase. So here we don´t foresee much change.
New video series: Sustainability explainers
Dive into the first two episodes where our sustainability experts in DSV guide you through environmental regulations and their impact.
End-date for combustion engines
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